December 2024 Quarterly Astrological Update
Winter Solstice: December 21, 2024, 4:21 EST, Washington, D.C.
As your spirit tunes into what’s been going on since Spring Equinox 2024, do you wonder what is happening to our society? Winter Solstice is usually when we go deeply inward to examine what we’ve been creating since spring. We reflect on how it developed during summer, and then how we balanced things during fall. The time has come to evaluate what you’ve been creating to identify its deep essence. Yet, this year’s consideration may be very different. Winter has always been my favorite time for contemplation, however I think it may be hard to tune in this year. Reality seemed to flip upside down this fall as if we were living on Uranus, the planet that flipped 90 degrees off its ecliptic long ago. What’s going on?
For the astrological crux of the matter, Pluto will blast through Aquarius from now until 2044, and Saturn and Neptune will rip through late Pisces and slam into Aries in 2025. Neptune will move into Aries on March 30, then Saturn goes into Aries in May 2025, but they will not conjunct exactly in Aries until February 2026. I sense this winter will feel surreal, but why? Saturn and Neptune in Aries will stir up all Earth’s religions, the beliefs of all the people. While those spiritual upheavals are going on, Pluto will cleanse old belief patterns that started to collapse a long time ago; it is time.
You might find yourself entertaining new beliefs and experiencing mystical visions and having revelatory insights. You might detect the personal double you forgot about years ago: your higher self. You may also recall a very inspired past life. Saturn and Neptune in Aries will pry open closed minds. This reading is rather odd because the energy upgrades that are coming in the near future have already sensitized many people. For example, do you remember the amazing auroras in May 2024 that were caused by intense solar flares? They are coming again to create strong spiritual awakenings this winter—the 2025 spiritual kick in the butt!
During fall 2024, 3D reality turned on people like an attack dog grinning with large menacing teeth. There was so much pain in the world this year. Unintelligible media chatter from pretty media faces—stories of anarchy, floating chaos, and hideous butchery—dulled many minds with the same old stories that few believed. Reading repetitive words on a teleprompter stained the souls of the talking heads, yet transparency also exposed many lies. Cosmic searchlights found resonance in open minds laughing at the media propaganda, especially in minds that ignored AI “fact-checking.” As we will see in this very revealing Solstice chart, New Thought flourishes amidst wise planetary timing:
As the Sun moves into Capricorn, it closely squares the Lunar Nodes in 2 degrees Aries/Libra. Then two days later, the Sun exactly T-squares the Nodes. When the Winter Solstice Sun squares the Lunar Nodes (a rare event), it creates a karmic crisis, this time when many people realize our culture is obsessed with death. From December 21 through 24, ask whether you want to live! In the fresh new winter light, avidly watch for what life means to you because you are being called to be honest this winter. How do you feel about the killing that is going on around you? Do you really think you are free and in control of your life? A sobering assessment of your ego’s narrow grasp on life can open your eyes to give your soul wings.
When the Sun goes into Capricorn, subtle living flames sustained by divine intentions remind us of the love that flickers in our hearts. That is why, for thousands of years, people have sought the first light at sacred sites like Stonehenge. This year, the Solstice Sun’s square to the Lunar Nodes prepares us for the upcoming Saturn/Neptune activations in Aries. Remarkably, this clarion call intensifies in mid-January when the North Node moves into Pisces for 18 months.
Other aspects to the Solstice Sun describe how to meld with the divine mind. Neptune squares the Solstice Sun to activate our solar/spiritual identity; Mars in Leo quincunx the Sun to add courage to the inner fire. Simultaneously, Pluto in Aquarius opposes Mars in Leo, which stirs our idealism. What do we believe? Such extremely potent aspects to the Solstice Sun means many people will feel lost because they’ve lost their beliefs. Absurd and perverted confusions in the mundane world, such as people not able to accept what sex they are, shows human cultures are way off-track. The Kali Yuga (the low point for cultures in India) ends next spring, a time when many will recall why they came here based on natural law. Pluto opposite Mars retrograde will be exact in early January 2025, and many people will speak out against genocide, enslavement, and war. Luckily, we can use astrology to decode Jupiter/Saturn cycles that describe how to create new structures for human wellbeing.
The most recent conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn was December 21, 2020 (in 0 Aquarius) when Earth was fully in the Aquarian Age. This twenty-year cycle is called a Trigon. It unfolds by squares and oppositions between Jupiter and Saturn—in this case through October 2040. During this Solstice, Jupiter in Gemini closely squares Saturn in Pisces, which reveals much about our entry into the two-thousand-year-long Age of Aquarius. Recall, if you can, what you were concerned about December 21, 2020. Maybe you wondered about the negative or positive aspects of artificial intelligence (AI)? Jupiter in 14 Gemini exactly squares Saturn in 14 Pisces, which means the dissemination of AI (Jupiter in Gemini) is the big issue that is very confusing (Saturn in Pisces). Then, as the Moon in 13 Virgo opposes Saturn, it forms a tight T-square to Jupiter. Jupiter squared Saturn for the first time August 19, 2024, when AI was widely discussed in the media, so this is the second Jupiter/Saturn square. During this Solstice, the Moon’s opposition to Saturn, with Jupiter at the top of the T-square, will activate public feelings about AI. Watch for this!
Or, maybe back in December 2020, you wondered whether you should fear Covid-19? For me, Covid-19 was “the big crisis” of the December 21, 2020, Trigon, since the first cases appeared during late 2020. Therefore, it is very significant that a two-sided discussion about the value of vaccinations came up in August 2024 through RFK’s political affiliation with Trump. Finally, the vaccine discussion was widening during the first Jupiter/Saturn square! And, now with the second Jupiter/Saturn square, I’m thrilled to see that many people are questioning the safety of vaccinations. Remember that during December 2020, most people were tricked into an irrational fear of Covid-19, and they lost many freedoms, such as having small businesses. Trump plans to empower RFK Jr. to expose all sides of vaccines and Big Pharma. One thing I am sure of: We will know much more about greatly needed changes in public health during June 2025 with the final Jupiter/Saturn square. And, women working in government will be valued with Venus in Aquarius closely trining Jupiter in Gemini during this Solstice.
Certainly, the wild card in this Solstice chart is the Moon in Virgo exactly opposing Saturn in Pisces (exact an hour later) as the Sun moves into Capricorn. The Moon opposite Saturn reminds us that when the feminine seeks deep healing, she resists being ruled by Saturn. Male dominance will be eroded by Jupiter in Gemini in this close T-Square to the Moon/Saturn opposition. This mutable T-square will widely disseminate honor of the feminine. This will build and build from the middle degrees of Saturn in Pisces all the way to Saturn entering Aries in late May 2025. Quite a remarkable Solstice chart and a memorable winter coming up!
Winter Solstice 2024 Chart