Interview with Julia Griffin: What the Universal Shift Means to Us All

A universal shift has occurred. We are moving beyond polarity into multidimensionality.

In this information-packed interview recorded November 27, 2024, Barbara goes into detail regarding day to day personal activities and practices we can incorporate to get unstuck and move out of the chaos happening in the Fourth Dimension: we are moving out of the survivalist mentality that has been prevalent for the last 12,000 years as the monumental shifts now occurring awaken us all. Barbara talks about the polarities we are feeling internally and emotionally, and what we are seeing all over Earth socially and politically. We are now moving into seeing and feeling all sides of issues.

click here to view the interview:



Destiny Audio Interview with Cliff Dunning and Barbara

Destiny Audio Interview with Cliff Dunning and Barbara, November 26, 2024

The host and producer of Earth Ancients Radio, Cliff Dunning, and Barbara Hand Clow discuss the Twentieth Anniversary Edition of Alchemy of Nine Dimensions: Activating the Full Spectrum of Human Consciousness. Cliff presents information of interest prior to beginning Barbara’s interview at about 16 minutes into this audio podcast.

This audio interview covers the full spectrum of the beginnings of Alchemy of Nine Dimensions with data downloads from the Pleadians, through the many years of Barbara and Gerry teaching activation of the nine dimensions, the physics and intricacies of the workings of the universe itself, the monumental changes coming in the next few years, the Blue Brain Project, and end of the Kali Yuga cycle in 2025.




Click here to go to the audio Podcast.

Whitley Strieber interviews Barbara Hand Clow

Interview on November 22, 2024, with Whitley Strieber on his videocast Dreamland: The Edge of the World. The video title: An Enlightening Look into the Past, A Devastating Look into the Future. Barbara talks about the origins of her book, Alchemy of the Nine Dimensions, recently revised and in November 2024 re-released as the Twentieth Anniversary edition. Barbara expands on the content of the book, kundalini, the Blue Brain Project, Radu Cinamar, Artificial Intelligence, the Yuga Shift, and the physics of the dimensions we experience and embody.

Click here to watch the video:

Barbara on The Empowered Spirit Show: Alchemy Interview

On October 30, 2024, Barbara was interviewed by Terri Ann Heiman for Terri’s The Empowered Spirit Show. Barbara talks about her own background that led to the creation of Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, and the new Twentieth Anniversary Edition.

Barbara describes in detail the dimensions, accessing all the dimensions, and how it is that humankind is moving into an “energetic upgrade” wherein we experience planetary awakening. This awakening is difficult, as we “upgrade” and the planet, the people, the nations, all experience release of emotions through wars, upheaval, and the experience of the astrological times.



Click on this link for the YouTube video:

Heather Ensworth interview with Barbara on the Twentieth Anniversary Edition of Alchemy of Nine Dimensions

Check this excellent interview with Heather Ensworth of Rising Moon Healing Center! This is the first of many interviews to come discussing Barbara’s 20th Anniversary Edition of Alchemy of Nine Dimensions: Activating the Full Spectrum of Consciousness.

Click here to be transported:

Heather Ensworth, Ph.D., at

2024 Fall Equinox

September, 2024 Quarterly Astrological Update

Fall Equinox: September 22, 2024, 8:43 AM EDT, Washington, DC

As your mind turns to assessing all that has gone on since the Spring Equinox 2024, are you disturbed by the extreme level of imbalance plaguing Earth? Do you long to develop a new comprehension of events that can offer you enlightenment? Are you on your midline, in perfect balance amidst the crazy Apocalypse? In the Summer Solstice reading, I noted it is time to face some ugly facts. I’m impressed by how many are doing this so well! It is wonderful that when one of us wakes up and speaks his or her truth—many other brave souls find the courage to dive right in to help suffering people.

The facts are, our planet is in extreme crisis, more of us realize it as the Apocalypse intensifies exponentially, so I will share exactly what I think about the stream of events to consider how astrology can guide us this fall.

In my Summer Solstice 2024 reading, I noted a grand cosmic convergence will unfold through June 2027. Season by season, I will decode this planetary mystery play. We will experience and process its lessons step by step, each one of us. I will not discuss much about this astrological dynamic in advance because it will be a new future unfolding. In consideration of the coming spiritual breakthrough indicated by the planets and stars, how can we can be prepared–body, mind, and spirit—for such a huge infusion of energy? As I’ve contemplated this divine breakthrough since Spring Equinox 2023, I couldn’t imagine HOW this might happen. Yet, this summer I was gifted with some very intense visions—now I dimly see what is being revealed, the Lifting of the Veils. That’s what I’ve sought in this Fall Equinox chart, and you may be experiencing similar things.

Also, a profound manuscript I’m reading for endorsement is illuminating my mind. Since this book will not be out until 2025, I can’t give the author’s name, but I can discuss the main topics because many people have been thinking about them and discussing them: Geo-engineering, AI, and weather control. Materialist scientists are successfully manipulating Nature via satellite technology. These things already occurred in the deep past, we are still here, so there is hope for the future. Ecocide of undeniable proportions is being witnessed by every person on this planet. You know this but often try not to think about it. It is time to face the truth and change it.

In Awakening the Planetary Mind (2011), I explored extensive global evidence for similar challenges for humans in the deep past, cataclysms that altered our evolution. We became a multi-traumatized species afflicted with Post Traumatic Stress Syndromes and devolved. The pinnacle of the Palaeolithic Era was 50,000 years ago when ancient records and Pleiadian wisdom suggest humans mastered the Laws of Nature. Ancient humans used weather control and Earth’s sacred sites for energy and ecology—remnants of these shamanic skills still exist in megalithic technology. But the difference between the Palaeolithic people and humans today was the ancient ones used planetary forces for fertility, health, ecological empowerment, and accessing multidimensionality—not for war and total control.

Greedy scientists use Earth’s power while thoughtlessly killing anything in their way. The reason science debunks someone who seeks to reveal the potency of multidimensional consciousness is because scientists want all the power and control; they are arrogant. As I’ve said many times, the Masonic cabal secretly uses the full range of magical powers such as astrology for their own ends. Consciousness researchers battle scientists who kill animals, plants, humans, and the atmosphere. The most shocking thing about the scientific materialists is—they are killing themselves!

Please note: A potent cadre of powerful warriors to protect genetics, revitalize ecology, and access spiritual allies is emerging now. They shock 3D with 6D geometry to reopen the vital flow of cosmic force into all aspects of Nature. This is the time when anybody destroying Nature suddenly stops and steps down. These new warriors claim Nature’s power and hand it over to loving animals, people, and plants. Note the new energy that came in when Joe Biden stepped down and allowed the woman of joyful smiles to take over! Like any great change, the early stages are becoming visible now, accelerating, and moving towards the grand 2027 climax. Then we will have our work cut out for us—fostering Earth’s next stage of evolution!

Enough general themes: Let’s go to the Fall Equinox chart to look at how we can become instruments for the balancing forces during fall. The Sun going into Libra closely trines the Moon in 1 Gemini close to Uranus in 27 Taurus. Our emotions will be strong as we are surprised by the intense balance from the Sun. The excitable Gemini Moon close to Uranus retrograde in earthy Taurus is in close trine to retrograde Pluto in late Capricorn. This grand trine in Earth and Air will flow and ground powerful cosmic forces. Solar flares are much more frequent during the equinoxes, so if there is a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) or a Proton Rain, this harmonic will be especially profound. We will be flooded with new ideas for handling the difficulties and constraints that plagued us this summer as the result of many retrograde planets: Aaaahhhh! It feels good to know Saturn, Pluto and Neptune will soon be going direct to release new creativity for new solutions.

The solar trine to Pluto—newly back in Capricorn (Sept. 2nd to Nov. 19th)—and to the busy and varied Moon in Gemini, describes a wide-ranging, shifting intellectual global field near the time of the Equinox. Neptune retrograded July 2nd in the final degree of Pisces and closely opposes the Equinox Sun. This opposition symbolizes the need for humans to be active stewards, not destroyers, of our planet. With Neptune going into Aries soon after the Spring Equinox in 2025, warriors for Earth will be inspired to ask their spiritual guides to help them to become keepers of Earth, much like the Palaeolithic shamans I described who once guarded Earth’s powers. Neptune opposing the Sun, newly arrived in Libra, will open our hearts and crown chakras to higher dimensions. Openings that already increased during summer will activate many of us with divine light when Neptune goes direct in early December and races into Aries by spring 2025. Wow! Pluto goes back into Aquarius November 19, 2024 to remain through 2044, so right now we’re witnessing Pluto’s last bashing of outmoded systems. This cleanup will ramp up October 11 when it goes direct.

This will be the final Capricorn cleanse before Pluto in Aquarius shifts things for twenty years. Great, but the destruction will be shocking with Uranus in late Taurus trine Pluto, and Venus in late Libra closely squaring Pluto, ouch!. Most significantly, Uranus-sextile-Neptune-sextile-Pluto elevates Mercury in 23 Virgo like a great kite in the sky. Mercury as the grounder of this “kite,” a precursor of the grand convergence that is building now through 2027. Like Orpheus’s cosmic harp, the Uranus-trine-Pluto-sextile-Neptune-opposite-Mercury kite makes it easy to hear Orpheus strumming his harp, the music of the spheres. Mercury functions like a great ringing bell as the Fall Equinox Sun rolls into Libra.

Such potent positive aspects may implant new truth in the minds and hearts of people abusing our planet. Perhaps some will wake up and begin to change, particularly those in shock after their homes burned, crumbled, or flooded? Whether they change or not, other aspects in the Fall Equinox chart describe great wounding of the dark forces this fall. Mercury in 23 Virgo closely quincunxes Chiron retrograde in 22 Aries. This quincunx symbolizes the power of the wounded healer to skewer negative forces that are harming Nature. Chiron in Mastery Number 22 is opposed by Venus quincunx to Neptune in late Pisces. This tension suggests the goddess may jump into the fray to expose the evil destroyers of Gaia. Yes, we know they are in crisis because of their own deep inner wounding, but that doesn’t give them to right to take everybody else down with them. Many abusers may suicide when their lying schemes are exposed, but remember, really evil people are often more dangerous on the other side.

Being on this planet when the destroyers are being exposed will be ugly. Venus in 29 Libra opposing Chiron suggests feminine powers; maybe Medusa will take them down with her evil eye. We desperately need to open our hearts to avoid despair. To put it simply, I see a wonderful cleansing unfolding this fall, yet it will be very challenging. Much deep contemplation and assistance to others can soothe your fears and painful feelings. For the Summer Solstice reading, I offered a method for owning your own mind by observing how you create by what you are thinking. Refresh yourself on using 6D triangles to improve reality in 3D!

This reading describes a high moment in time that will begin a new phase that encourages us to be Earth Keepers. But the pain this fall will be felt by most good hearted, loving people. As the bad boys get caught with their pants down, I plan to intensify my own mastery of many dimensions. The recent publication of The Realized Light of Twelve Dimensions by a great Pleiadian channel, Joshua Lieberman, has added three more dimensions that we can access to make it easier to bear planetary pain.

Saturn in 15 Pisces trines Mars in 10 Cancer. This water-sign trine will mean Saturn’s spiritual powers can help us eradicate more dregs of the Age of Pisces, such as more unpleasant exposure of the negative aspects of the religions from Abraham. As we discover how to use our nurturing powers to attain well-being on Earth, some of us may access memories of the ecologically balanced Palaeolithic times. Venus in the last degree of Libra squaring Pluto in the last degree of Capricorn announces women will be leading the show. My gut feeling about this chart’s astonishing positive and negative resonances involving every planet is that fall 2024 will be a time of daily astonishing events. Strive to avoid being caught up in the collective insanity as much as possible. If you can do it, you will feel and know the brilliant cosmic spiritual forces that are gathering for Earth’s renewal.

I’ll be back for the Winter Solstice reading in a few months. Meanwhile I wish you joy and balance as you feel Gaia’s deep memory awakening within during this fall. Use your deep connection with spirit and the love in your hearts, and Gaia will nurture you with her trust and wisdom.

Click to enlarge 2024 Fall Equinox Chart

2024 Summer Solstice

June 2024 Quarterly Astrological Update

Summer Solstice: June 20, 2024, 4:51 PM EDT, Washington, D.C.

As your body adjusts to summer heat, do you hope the pace of world events will slow down so you can find some balance? Entirely new agendas took center stage during the spring that intensified massive discontent globally. The momentum is unrelenting, and as chaos swirls in the wind, many of you feel very stuck. Leaders are shockingly incompetent, hideous wars threaten our sanity, and human beliefs and values have never been more confused. Summer is the time to contemplate the recent trends; it is time to face many ugly facts now. We must examine seemingly endless problems using the widest possible perspective. My summer slogan is “Think multi-dimensionally; act in 3D.” We’re in grave danger as we are called to attain more advanced consciousness at this time, and we must act.

In early June, the Sun was in Gemini joined by Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury. Our minds were radically quickened by trines from these Gemini planets to Pluto in early Aquarius. Before that, the April 8th Aries Solar Eclipse caused many to realize that nothing really matters except loving others as we love ourselves. This critical knowing was blasted into our hearts by intense X-class solar flares in May. The flares filling the skies with magnificent auroras seemed to celebrate our love for one another. Then on May 11-12, proton voltages 10,000 times normal shocked our planet’s rocks and soil, jolting us like the solar flares that caused the Great Quebec Blackout of 1989. ( These Gemini harmonics have activated us more than we realize. Many people told me they felt acutely anxious and couldn’t sleep easily. This late May/early June energy infusion was a precursor to a great energy opening coming Feb. 20, 2026, when Saturn will conjunct Neptune in 0 Aries. During June 2027, there will be a series of harmonic outer planet transits that will jumpshift Earth to a higher order—so we are being shaken up now in preparation for a massive consciousness upgrade in 0 Aries. There are more shakeups to come. If you feel lost, inadequate, totally confused, and deeply sad, it is because Nature is preparing you to experience great ecstasy in the near future.

The energetic field during the 2024 Summer Solstice is pregnant with these Gemini harmonics that roll into Cancer with the Solstice Sun. Then the very next day, June 21, the Capricorn Full Moon imprints the deep emotional intensity of Cancer/Capricorn. The Full Moon is in 1 Capricorn opposite the Sun in 1 Cancer, close to Venus and Mercury who are in an out-of phase close square to Neptune in 29 54’ Pisces. This combination gives us clarity about the seemingly insane events on Earth—visionary glimpses we so sorely need. There is so much preparation we must do to appreciate a series of spiritual upgrades during this fall and during 2025-2027; collectively they will transform humanity. Many are just beginning to sense this awakening. You feel it in the winds that mirror the life and death information that astrology offers.

I began this series of seasonal analyses with the 2023 Spring Equinox so as to prepare us for Chiron’s completion of his first orbit around the Sun on June 8, 2027. When I studied the planetary placements during Chiron’s return to his discovery point, I was amazed to see that Pluto in 7 Aquarius sextiles Neptune in 6 Aries sextiles Uranus in 6 Gemini, while Saturn in 24 Aries trines Jupiter in 21 Leo. For those who know about how sound from 6D planetary geometry makes angelic music, this is it—the Music of the Spheres—the inner planets playing the outer planets as the harp in the sky.

I began this discussion by offering my slogan for the summer: “Think multi-dimensionally; act in 3D.” To do this we look at the Summer Solstice chart for elements that describe the new field that is imprinting our minds now with a highly energized Gemini-inspired activation of mental clarity. As for the nine-dimensional opening I wrote about in Alchemy of Nine Dimensions in 2004, now with the 20th anniversary edition coming out this fall, it is time to commit to using these dimensional skills to learn how to think in a new way. How? The sixth dimension (6D) is the home of Platonia, according to the physcist Julian Barbour, the field of triangles that hold human ideas in form in 3D, our solid world. These ideas become actions here on Earth when the Music of the Spheres rings the triangles in 6D, creating themes that inspire us to act in 3D. According to the Pleiadians, knowing how to do this is the key to owning your mind. When the planets are not in harmony with the Sun, we are troubled by 4D splitting the collective mind that connects us to each other. The planets have not been in harmony very often since the 1960s. However, in 2027 continual harmonic aspects between the outer planets are going to allow the 7D angelic realm to ring 6D to give us access to positive ideas and act on them in 3D. The work we start now and intensify in 2025-2027 may end up being the greatest work of our species, so own your mind now!

During the Solstice, the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in early Cancer inspire a potent valuing of home, the feminine, security, and heart. The shadow side is using war to destroy other peoples’ homes for your own security. These three primary elements in Cancer—Sun guiding you to your greatest potential, Venus flowing with feminine power, and Mercury fine-tuning your mind—are quincunxed by Pluto, which brings out the most intense levels of your solar potential, feminine receptivity, and mental clarity. How can you do this? Enter into meditation that asks your mind, heart, and soul to totally receive Pluto’s depth and truth, which is the early cosmic wisdom of the emerging Age of Aquarius.

The conflict in Gaza is polarizing and obfuscating the universal human need for Cancerian security. I discussed this tragedy in the Spring Equinox reading because the religions descended from Abraham during the Age of Aries (2200BC to AD 60) that evolved into wars for God during the Age of Pisces (AD 60 to the AD1998 Galactic alignment) are furiously playing out the conflicts of religions and politics. In a nutshell, religious beliefs are pushed to the max by the wars in the Middle East as we enter the Age of Aquarius. During this Solstice, with Neptune looming stationary in the sky at the very end of Pisces, in close squares to the Sun, Venus, and Mercury, humanity will be pushed to complete many issues from the Ages of Pisces and Aries. This close square will open people to embrace spiritual ideas that support our sense of self, feminine attunement, and mental acuity. What I have just described about Neptune, the Sun, Venus, and Mercury is going to be very deep and intense for everyone on Earth because during the Solstice, Saturn and Neptune are both stationary in Pisces and about to retrograde backward before they go direct and blast into Aries to meet in the sky next year. Also, the Full Moon the next day radically intensifies this dynamic.

This summer is a time to take a watery plunge into the depth of the planetary mind to find your inner strength for the new path in Aries, the cosmic green light. The day after the Solstice, the Moon moves to an opposition to the Sun, now in 1 Cancer, and blammo! The Capricorn Moon activates the Cancer Sun in a tight T-square to Neptune in 29 54’ Pisces. Furthermore, Mars in Taurus exactly sextiles Mercury, which energizes mental clarity. So, what can you do with that? Let’s reaffirm your desire for Pluto’s truth and depth. Then close your eyes, move your seeing eyes up a bit to your third eye, and visualize two large triangles or pyramids. When you can see the triangles or pyramids, label one of them, “War in the Middle East,” and the other one, “Peace in the Middle East.” You may want to examine what you think about each one of these potential fields. For example, if you get a hot charge about doing “bombs away” until the job is done, you are probably involved with war. If, on the other hand, you sense happy families and animals and homes, you have found a peaceful resolution. Please note that I am not favoring one or the other; that is for you to decide. As you complete the meditation, notice the wet and dark mist inside each triangle. If you’ve chosen peace, increase the mist, more and more mist to end the desire for war. If you’ve chosen war, it is the same. You are clarifying desires that create human actions on Earth.

Have fun with this as you realize many others are using their minds to use this potent, geometric, higher-dimensional tool. You can do it anytime as you deal with events in your life and process what you hear in the media. I’ll be back for the Fall Equinox, when we will look at ways to balance and harmonize what we’ve created all summer.

2024 Spring Equinox


NEWS! The Twentieth Anniversary Edition of Alchemy of Nine Dimensions from Bear & Company to be published in fall 2024!

March 2024 Quarterly Astrological Update

Spring Equinox: March 19, 2024, 11:07 PM EDT, Washington, D.C.

Anticipating warm breezes and melting snow, would you prefer more clarity and strength this spring? My Winter Solstice reading was quite prophetic, and it also said that what we think about affects reality. As the winter passes on, more of us can see both sides of the current conflicts. Most people seem to be deeply worried about outdated systems run by incompetent leaders who fight to survive. Inspired by Pluto in Aquarius as we enter the Age of Aquarius, people say NO! to political lies and endless wars, so many countries are realigning with new allies. Adding to the idea that what’s going on “out there” is an aggregation of what we think, the Spring Equinox is the most potent time to observe the trends in the collective mind in 2024. Let’s examine where we might be going.

The planets are in direct motion this spring until Pluto in Aquarius retrogrades in early May, so momentum will be unrelenting.   I’m shining light on how religion influences politics during 1) the final phase of Neptune in Pisces—2011-2025, 2) the many planets in Pisces around the time of the Equinox, and 3) the upcoming intense eclipses. All three influences suggest religious strife will be paramount this spring.

Taking on religion and politics puts people on edge because liberal politics have pressured people not to think about religion. But, starting in 2011 Neptune in Pisces eased spirituality back into the collective mind. As the result, I believe we need crystal clarity about how the main Western religions of the last five thousands years have developed beliefs inherited from Abraham. It looks like extreme religious conflicts will shatter reality unless the collective diffuses the historical tension. I wrote this column a few days before Senator Chuck Schumer sharply criticized Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership of Israel (March 14, 2024). When Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in the US, spoke so bravely, I knew I’d chosen the right issue.

The Israeli war in Gaza is straining the Chosen People’s Covenant with God from the Age of Aries (circa 2320 to 160 BC). Christianity further evolved our belief about the Covenant during the Age of Pisces (circa 160 BC to AD 2000). Now with the Age of Aquarius, we need a clean spiritual slate. We need to be truthful about the darkness—violence, love of empire, and hatred of differences. The Age of Aries spawned the wars of empire; then Pisces unleashed wars for God. As Aquarian ideals come forth, our hearts yearn for peace and brotherly love, the values of Jesus. Close to a majority knows that economies and politics based on war have to end or we will destroy our planet.

Right now the vortex of the need to eliminate war is in Israel. The 1948 creation of the Jewish State in Palestine is now a fight for total possession of the land led by Benjamin Netanyahu. If he gets what he wants, the Israeli hubris of the Arian Age—”might makes right”—will be a funnel for unconscious Judeo-Christian beliefs about God’s dominance—that is, wars for God. What do you worship? Jesus or MAGA? Many Christians believe America protected by the Deep State should rule the world. How we see the world reflects our inner beliefs, so based on this toxic duality in Israel, we need to use the structuring power of Saturn with the power of Neptune in Pisces to finally have peace.

I wrote the Revelations Trilogy (2011-2021) to explore the evolution of Judeo-Christian beliefs through intelligent Jewish and Catholic characters. Now I’m investigating US Evangelical and Protestant trends behind Trump’s 2016 election based on Trump’s MAGA because who wants it again in 2024? What are we making great again, America as empire or clarifying Jewish and Christian beliefs? It is what we must do to welcome the Age of Aquarius.

As I anticipate the 2024 election, I see that the cognitive dissonance between the MAGA King Kong and the whining Deep State dictator, Joe Biden, could inspire an end to war! What a cosmic joke! Neptune’s transit in Pisces disciplined by Saturn in Pisces this year is exposing the vitriolic battles over religious beliefs that are splitting America and the world in two! The other planets in Pisces this spring can help us sharpen our spiritual sight, and encourage us to identify what we really want—AI and trans-humanism for more wars and greed?

Soon after the Spring Equinox March 19, there will be a Libra lunar eclipse on March 25 followed by the Aries total eclipse on April 8. The planets in Pisces during the first half of this spring reveal much about unresolved issues from the Age of Aries and Pisces. Will the wars for God intensify? Then following the eclipses on April 20, Chiron with Venus transits Chiron in the 1776 Sibley Chart [described in the previous Winter Solstice Reading about the USA Pluto Return, see Archives]. This “US Chiron Activation” happens exactly when Jupiter conjoins Uranus, which is an hour before Chiron’s return to the Sibley Chart. On this day, a deep wounding for healing is coming for Americans, possibly something triggered during the April 8th eclipse; watch for that. Whatever happens, I strongly suspect we will experience increasing tension this spring over unresolved blocks from the last five thousand years of religious battles.

Well, I’ve just dished out a lot of data and new ideas, so let’s return to the analysis of the Spring Equinox Chart, the great eclipses, and the return of Chiron to the USA chart to see what astrology reveals. During each Spring Equinox, the Sun goes into Aries when surprising new pathways often open. The world ought to begin the New Year at the Spring Equinox, especially since it is often accompanied by strong solar flares. This year Neptune in Pisces is close to the Sun in Aries, suggesting a spiritual unveiling that will be widely seen when Neptune goes into Aries at the end of March in 2025. Venus in Pisces is conjunct Saturn in Pisces, a new sense of feminine spirituality in relationships, maybe a discovery of deep spiritual aspects of love. We could experience a collective remembrance of how Jesus loved and respected Mary Magdalene. This conjunction in Pisces sextiles Jupiter in Taurus, adding earthy and fortunate elements to the divine feminine, the archetype Mary Magdalene carries. Mercury combust Chiron hugs the North Node in Aries, emphasizing the healing from mental clarity so needed whenever religious conflict addles the collective mind.

The Moon in Leo closely opposes Pluto in early Aquarius during this Spring Equinox. This generates radical change and enhanced free will to choose new directions in 2024. So many are frustrated by always getting stuck with lousy leaders; this opposition describes very creative public resistance. It is time to resist political pressures that have alienated us from dear friends and relatives, time to throw cow pies at the liars! For example, considering five thousand years of religious agendas, if a ceasefire does not occur soon in Gaza, grinding genocide and the pain of innocents will go on for years. Lastly, Mars in Aquarius is exactly conjunct the USA Sibly Moon in Aquarius (public emotions), then Mars rolls into Pisces following the eclipses. This potent bullet suggests that public pressure on Biden will make him stop, or at least reduce, aid to Israel if he wants to avoid losing the 2024 election. Summing things up, we will be learning a lot in our personal relationships this spring while we are getting angrier about America’s losing foreign wars when we worry about not having enough to eat or a place to sleep. A big reckoning is on the horizon.

Eclipses are next, the big events of this spring. During the Libra lunar eclipse March 25, war issues triggered by the Moon in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius during the Spring Equinox will intensify. Mars just in Pisces will intensify religious fervor that may incite violence. Conversely, this Mars ingress could inspire a positive global shift because it spreads the Muslim great love for peace during Ramadan. In the US, Mars in early Pisces could make American Evangelicals cry out how their love for Jesus inspires them to end war by not supporting either Trump’s MAGA or Biden’s Deep State.

The April 8 solar eclipse is astounding—with Chiron in Aries exact conjunct the Sun/Moon in Aries—indicating a deep healing of an eclipsed wound is coming. Eclipses often expose hidden plots, so I think one revelation of the April 8, 2024, eclipse may be the revelation of hidden secrets about the creation of the Jewish State. Since 1948, anybody who didn’t support Zionism has been accused of anti-Semitism, but Zionism is political dominance. Zionism and the Deep State are both power agendas, not the dislike of any group. Hopefully, this eclipse will block the Sun (male force) long enough for most people to be able to see that the conflict in Gaza could darken the whole world, like a global eclipse path. Mars is the planet we use for issues about war, and Mars is close to Saturn in Pisces—a reckoning for the wars of Aries, a deep disgust for shedding blood for God. The big question is, will people favor Earth or their five-thousand-year beliefs? This eclipse could take down ancient religious obsessions.

As I’ve already noted, Chiron returns to its position in the USA chart on April 20. After that, Chiron completes its first full orbit since its sighting in 1977 on June 8, 2027. I plan to complete my analysis of the four seasons in 2028, having described the monumental world transformation of 2023 through 2028. The transit of Chiron to the US Chiron is a very big deal for the world because the US created the Deep State to rule the world—and has nearly succeeded. But, the empire game is already over. Ominously, during the April 20 transit to the US chart, Jupiter conjuncts Uranus one hour before while Venus conjuncts Chiron on the USA Chiron! Whew! What does this mean? Perhaps it will inspire a healing around war, which the world so badly needs. The nemesis in the US chart is Mars in Gemini, exact squaring Neptune in Virgo. Since WWII this tense square has driven the country into wars that the US never wins—the Korean, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq wars. Now the US is fighting a proxy war against Russia in the Ukraine, threatening China and Iran, supporting Israel’s war in Gaza, and may get involved in the collapse of Haiti.

Chiron’s transit to the US Chiron will open these painful wounds. Americans will realize foreign wars to conquer the world are futile and driving our country to bankruptcy, the reason why some despise the Deep State and the latest emperor, Joe Biden. And, it gave entre to Donald Trump. These days I speak freely about both Biden and Trump because many feel there is no voting choice when candidates are woefully incompetent. The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, that starts a whole new cycle of change for thirteen years, is in grounded Taurus, meaning the people will demand better choices. Venus conjunct Chiron transiting the US 1776 chart will be a healing of the feminine. Women and children suffer the most during wars, while powerful men wear fashion suits and enslaved soldiers die. The heart-breaking pain in Gaza has made all this too visible, and more and more people are saying it is time to stop it.

2024 Predictions with Regina Meredith: The Age of Aquarius is Happening Now

Regina Meredith spoke in January 2024 with Barbara Hand Clow in the course of preparing Regina’s video entitled 2024: Time To Be Bold. Here is what Regina has to say about the video:

“You can feel it in your bones. 2024 is confronting us with both a daunting and an energizing invitation to snap out of any complacency and come back to life. I feel it as something pushing me forward, making me antsy and restless, seeking change. To get a better idea of the cosmic energetics that are in play I decided to speak with my friends and colleagues about what Pluto moving into Aquarius on January 20th REALLY means to us. What I learned is that the great Age of Aquarius is now firmly upon us, which means that we now witness the old ways crumbling, while beautiful, new green sprouts rise up underneath to create a new foundation for life on earth. But it won’t be smooth. At the end of my commentary I offer a couple of ways to maintain our relationships, while the world seems to spin off kilter. Go forward brave souls into the unknown landscape of 2024!!”

Visit the video here: