September, 2024 Quarterly Astrological Update
Fall Equinox: September 22, 2024, 8:43 AM EDT, Washington, DC
As your mind turns to assessing all that has gone on since the Spring Equinox 2024, are you disturbed by the extreme level of imbalance plaguing Earth? Do you long to develop a new comprehension of events that can offer you enlightenment? Are you on your midline, in perfect balance amidst the crazy Apocalypse? In the Summer Solstice reading, I noted it is time to face some ugly facts. I’m impressed by how many are doing this so well! It is wonderful that when one of us wakes up and speaks his or her truth—many other brave souls find the courage to dive right in to help suffering people.
The facts are, our planet is in extreme crisis, more of us realize it as the Apocalypse intensifies exponentially, so I will share exactly what I think about the stream of events to consider how astrology can guide us this fall.
In my Summer Solstice 2024 reading, I noted a grand cosmic convergence will unfold through June 2027. Season by season, I will decode this planetary mystery play. We will experience and process its lessons step by step, each one of us. I will not discuss much about this astrological dynamic in advance because it will be a new future unfolding. In consideration of the coming spiritual breakthrough indicated by the planets and stars, how can we can be prepared–body, mind, and spirit—for such a huge infusion of energy? As I’ve contemplated this divine breakthrough since Spring Equinox 2023, I couldn’t imagine HOW this might happen. Yet, this summer I was gifted with some very intense visions—now I dimly see what is being revealed, the Lifting of the Veils. That’s what I’ve sought in this Fall Equinox chart, and you may be experiencing similar things.
Also, a profound manuscript I’m reading for endorsement is illuminating my mind. Since this book will not be out until 2025, I can’t give the author’s name, but I can discuss the main topics because many people have been thinking about them and discussing them: Geo-engineering, AI, and weather control. Materialist scientists are successfully manipulating Nature via satellite technology. These things already occurred in the deep past, we are still here, so there is hope for the future. Ecocide of undeniable proportions is being witnessed by every person on this planet. You know this but often try not to think about it. It is time to face the truth and change it.
In Awakening the Planetary Mind (2011), I explored extensive global evidence for similar challenges for humans in the deep past, cataclysms that altered our evolution. We became a multi-traumatized species afflicted with Post Traumatic Stress Syndromes and devolved. The pinnacle of the Palaeolithic Era was 50,000 years ago when ancient records and Pleiadian wisdom suggest humans mastered the Laws of Nature. Ancient humans used weather control and Earth’s sacred sites for energy and ecology—remnants of these shamanic skills still exist in megalithic technology. But the difference between the Palaeolithic people and humans today was the ancient ones used planetary forces for fertility, health, ecological empowerment, and accessing multidimensionality—not for war and total control.
Greedy scientists use Earth’s power while thoughtlessly killing anything in their way. The reason science debunks someone who seeks to reveal the potency of multidimensional consciousness is because scientists want all the power and control; they are arrogant. As I’ve said many times, the Masonic cabal secretly uses the full range of magical powers such as astrology for their own ends. Consciousness researchers battle scientists who kill animals, plants, humans, and the atmosphere. The most shocking thing about the scientific materialists is—they are killing themselves!
Please note: A potent cadre of powerful warriors to protect genetics, revitalize ecology, and access spiritual allies is emerging now. They shock 3D with 6D geometry to reopen the vital flow of cosmic force into all aspects of Nature. This is the time when anybody destroying Nature suddenly stops and steps down. These new warriors claim Nature’s power and hand it over to loving animals, people, and plants. Note the new energy that came in when Joe Biden stepped down and allowed the woman of joyful smiles to take over! Like any great change, the early stages are becoming visible now, accelerating, and moving towards the grand 2027 climax. Then we will have our work cut out for us—fostering Earth’s next stage of evolution!
Enough general themes: Let’s go to the Fall Equinox chart to look at how we can become instruments for the balancing forces during fall. The Sun going into Libra closely trines the Moon in 1 Gemini close to Uranus in 27 Taurus. Our emotions will be strong as we are surprised by the intense balance from the Sun. The excitable Gemini Moon close to Uranus retrograde in earthy Taurus is in close trine to retrograde Pluto in late Capricorn. This grand trine in Earth and Air will flow and ground powerful cosmic forces. Solar flares are much more frequent during the equinoxes, so if there is a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) or a Proton Rain, this harmonic will be especially profound. We will be flooded with new ideas for handling the difficulties and constraints that plagued us this summer as the result of many retrograde planets: Aaaahhhh! It feels good to know Saturn, Pluto and Neptune will soon be going direct to release new creativity for new solutions.
The solar trine to Pluto—newly back in Capricorn (Sept. 2nd to Nov. 19th)—and to the busy and varied Moon in Gemini, describes a wide-ranging, shifting intellectual global field near the time of the Equinox. Neptune retrograded July 2nd in the final degree of Pisces and closely opposes the Equinox Sun. This opposition symbolizes the need for humans to be active stewards, not destroyers, of our planet. With Neptune going into Aries soon after the Spring Equinox in 2025, warriors for Earth will be inspired to ask their spiritual guides to help them to become keepers of Earth, much like the Palaeolithic shamans I described who once guarded Earth’s powers. Neptune opposing the Sun, newly arrived in Libra, will open our hearts and crown chakras to higher dimensions. Openings that already increased during summer will activate many of us with divine light when Neptune goes direct in early December and races into Aries by spring 2025. Wow! Pluto goes back into Aquarius November 19, 2024 to remain through 2044, so right now we’re witnessing Pluto’s last bashing of outmoded systems. This cleanup will ramp up October 11 when it goes direct.
This will be the final Capricorn cleanse before Pluto in Aquarius shifts things for twenty years. Great, but the destruction will be shocking with Uranus in late Taurus trine Pluto, and Venus in late Libra closely squaring Pluto, ouch!. Most significantly, Uranus-sextile-Neptune-sextile-Pluto elevates Mercury in 23 Virgo like a great kite in the sky. Mercury as the grounder of this “kite,” a precursor of the grand convergence that is building now through 2027. Like Orpheus’s cosmic harp, the Uranus-trine-Pluto-sextile-Neptune-opposite-Mercury kite makes it easy to hear Orpheus strumming his harp, the music of the spheres. Mercury functions like a great ringing bell as the Fall Equinox Sun rolls into Libra.
Such potent positive aspects may implant new truth in the minds and hearts of people abusing our planet. Perhaps some will wake up and begin to change, particularly those in shock after their homes burned, crumbled, or flooded? Whether they change or not, other aspects in the Fall Equinox chart describe great wounding of the dark forces this fall. Mercury in 23 Virgo closely quincunxes Chiron retrograde in 22 Aries. This quincunx symbolizes the power of the wounded healer to skewer negative forces that are harming Nature. Chiron in Mastery Number 22 is opposed by Venus quincunx to Neptune in late Pisces. This tension suggests the goddess may jump into the fray to expose the evil destroyers of Gaia. Yes, we know they are in crisis because of their own deep inner wounding, but that doesn’t give them to right to take everybody else down with them. Many abusers may suicide when their lying schemes are exposed, but remember, really evil people are often more dangerous on the other side.
Being on this planet when the destroyers are being exposed will be ugly. Venus in 29 Libra opposing Chiron suggests feminine powers; maybe Medusa will take them down with her evil eye. We desperately need to open our hearts to avoid despair. To put it simply, I see a wonderful cleansing unfolding this fall, yet it will be very challenging. Much deep contemplation and assistance to others can soothe your fears and painful feelings. For the Summer Solstice reading, I offered a method for owning your own mind by observing how you create by what you are thinking. Refresh yourself on using 6D triangles to improve reality in 3D!
This reading describes a high moment in time that will begin a new phase that encourages us to be Earth Keepers. But the pain this fall will be felt by most good hearted, loving people. As the bad boys get caught with their pants down, I plan to intensify my own mastery of many dimensions. The recent publication of The Realized Light of Twelve Dimensions by a great Pleiadian channel, Joshua Lieberman, has added three more dimensions that we can access to make it easier to bear planetary pain.
Saturn in 15 Pisces trines Mars in 10 Cancer. This water-sign trine will mean Saturn’s spiritual powers can help us eradicate more dregs of the Age of Pisces, such as more unpleasant exposure of the negative aspects of the religions from Abraham. As we discover how to use our nurturing powers to attain well-being on Earth, some of us may access memories of the ecologically balanced Palaeolithic times. Venus in the last degree of Libra squaring Pluto in the last degree of Capricorn announces women will be leading the show. My gut feeling about this chart’s astonishing positive and negative resonances involving every planet is that fall 2024 will be a time of daily astonishing events. Strive to avoid being caught up in the collective insanity as much as possible. If you can do it, you will feel and know the brilliant cosmic spiritual forces that are gathering for Earth’s renewal.
I’ll be back for the Winter Solstice reading in a few months. Meanwhile I wish you joy and balance as you feel Gaia’s deep memory awakening within during this fall. Use your deep connection with spirit and the love in your hearts, and Gaia will nurture you with her trust and wisdom.