05/13/2023 | by
Robb Heckel | Posted in
Barbara Hand Clow on transitioning into the Aquarian Age, bringing hidden knowledge to light, and writing fiction in nine dimensions.
Interview with Emily Trinkhaus of The Embodied Aquarian (May 8, 2023)
From Emily Trinkaus: I’ve been tuning into Barbara’s work for more than 20 years, and it’s had a profound impact on my life and my work as an astrologer. I was thrilled to get to talk with Barbara about the fascinating information and insights revealed in her trilogy.
We covered:
- The breakdown of world religions at the end of the Age of Pisces;
- Why the Catholic Church instituted celibacy for priests, and the connection between celibacy and the sexual abuse of children;
- The second dimension (inner earth) as our source of health – and viruses as “an issue of the second dimension;”
- The higher potential of sexuality as an avenue to multidimensional consciousness – and the repression of human sexuality as a form of control;
- Barbara’s reflections on the end of the Mayan Calendar in 2011-2012;
- The consciousness-raising “harmonic convergence” of planets in 2026-27;
- And much more!
Audio Link: https://embodiedaquarian.substack.com/p/reawakening-esoteric-wisdom-and-a#details
03/18/2023 | by
Robb Heckel | Posted in
This Equinox is a rare opportunity to harness the deep wisdom of Saturn as it moves into Pisces, its most subtle vibration. In tune with the potent balancing forces of this Spring Equinox, this spring is a golden opportunity to awaken philosophical greatness. We must seek inner wisdom now because Pluto moves into Aquarius a few days after the Equinox, and shocking revelations are coming to our world. Saturn’s discipline and structural genius can help us absorb and integrate Plutonic truth through 2043!
To imagine how to access Saturn’s greatest potential this spring, we must first consider Neptune, since it is the planet that rules Pisces, the sign that guides us to spiritual realms. Neptune has been inspiring us to contact spirit since it completed its first orbit around the Sun in 2009. As soon as this planetary bridge to the divine was seen by telescope in 1846, our consciousness began drawing down subtle frequencies. Many discovered they could contact divinity on our own; thus control by organized religions began to break down. Losing old ways is very hard for people, but we are all lucky to be alive as we feel divine forces awakening in nature and in our hearts. [For background on Neptune, view my interview with Regina Meredith titled “Is Neptune the Elephant in the Room?”]
This process of spiritual infusion is culminating at the end of the current Neptune-in-Pisces cycle (2011-2026) a revelatory phase that inspired me to write the Revelations Trilogy. In light of the upcoming transits through 2027, human awakening is speeding up, and Pluto in Aquarius will soon nucleate blocks to personal and collective spiritual growth. Neptune rules our ability to choose our destiny as humans, the radical fusion with our souls. We are here on Earth to experience divinity, a compelling desire that helps us stay in our bodies right now. Saturn in Pisces through mid-February 2026 will structure Neptune’s soul power in our bodies. Review what was going on in your life during the previous cycle of Saturn in Pisces—January 1994 through April 1996—to get a sense of what will be unfolding now. Then as Neptune goes into Aries in 2025 while Saturn is still in Pisces, great fiery spiritual power will inspire us. If we seize the power of Saturn in Pisces during this Equinox, we will easily commune with our souls. Then when Neptune goes into Aries in 2025, our unconscious will merge with our conscious minds as Nature opens our hearts.
Well, how do we work with the highest vibrations of Saturn? Saturn was the outermost known planet until Uranus was sighted in 1781. Before that, old Father Time was the gateway to the outer universe, the home of high spiritual forces where frequencies are much subtler than the fields on Earth. However, once the Saturn Gate opened for humans in 1781 (when Pluto was previously in Aquarius), we began to detect the higher frequencies of Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Eris. As Saturn’s grip relaxed over those 250 years, the creative powers of the outer planets stimulated our psyches, even though only a few esoteric people were conscious of this, such as Rudolf Steiner and Carl Jung. This Neptune-in-Pisces phase completes in January 2026, then Arian fire will charge Earth with cosmic potency deep down in the iron core. Saturn goes into Aries in mid-February, 2026 and will conjunct Neptune in Aries February 20, 2026! Wow! Like good pilot training, Neptune can’t fly without Saturn’s navigation.
We can intentionally use the highest spiritual frequencies of Saturn in Pisces this spring. When Saturn entered Pisces on March 7, high angelic powers used the Full Moon in 17 Virgo/Pisces to pierce Earth: The Sun in 17 Pisces on the midpoint between Mercury in 8 Pisces and Neptune in 25 Pisces helped us to embody Neptune—total access to our mental and spiritual powers—when Saturn entered Pisces. Did you feel wobbly and otherworldly during the March 7 Full Moon? Also, Chiron was in 14 Aries (healing) conjunct Jupiter in 13 Aries (expansion) with Venus (attraction) in 19 Aries—all releasing potent healing powers! And, this Full Moon was T-Squared by Mars in Gemini, which released a lot of stress. Very intense and even tanked a few big banks!
Let’s bring the greater world into this discussion. Considering Pluto going into Aquarius March 23 soon after the Spring Equinox, I must be candid: Our world’s normal harmonic—Nature—has been radically disturbed by Western domination, America as World Empire. Pluto in Aquarius will end this pattern. Speaking of the outrageous hubris of the elite, this hideous battle is not about the end of Earth; it is about the end of the industrial world that uses war for what it wants.
As Neptune’s transit through Pisces culminates, many have abandoned organized religions for personal access to inner knowing. Pluto in Aquarius will reduce organized religion as people realize it is the driving force of the wars they’ve come to hate. With potent spring transits and Neptune completing it’s journey through Pisces, you will see people acting from inner knowing instead of being driven by outside forces they despise. The industrial destroyer will implode when Nature awakens in human hearts. Of course, this revolution of clarity will result in earth changes. How extreme they will be depends on how much we resist.
As the Sun moves into Aries on March 20, use Saturn to let go of old patterns that strangle our planet! Do not obey rules you do not respect. Individuals using Saturn as a spiritual guide can use Pluto in Aquarius to activate cosmic consciousness in the collective over twenty years. We are here to eliminate power mongers so that we can survive as Earth cleanses the destroyers. We are here to be one with Earth in alignment with Saturn, the father of spirit and time, so that Pluto can reveal Earth’s love.
We’ll talk again at the Summer Solstice!
by Barbara, posted March 18, 2023
03/16/2023 | by
Robb Heckel | Posted in
Face to Face with Barbara Hand Clow
Interview with Sandie Sedgbeer of What Is Going OM, on OMTimes TV (March 16, 2023)
“This week on the No BS Spiritual Book Club…revelations, hidden secrets, secret agendas…and the 10 Best Spiritual Books that influenced acclaimed astrologer, researcher, spiritual teacher and author, BARBARA HAND CLOW on her life journey. Widely known for numerous best selling non-fiction books, which include The Pleiadian Agenda, Alchemy of the Nine Dimensions, Awakening the Planetary Mind, Catastrophobia, Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini, and The Mayan Code, Barbara Hand Clow is an internationally acclaimed astrologer, ceremonial teacher, and Mayan Calendar researcher. Barbara’s recently published. highly controversial trio of “fictional” books, known as “The Revelations Trilogy,” share some startling revelations about what might really be going on in the world today and the different agendas at play. (There’s a good reason that word “fictional” has quotes around it!)”
03/08/2023 | by
Robb Heckel | Posted in
Barbara Hand Clow is interviewed by Stewart Pearce on March 6, 2023.
Barbara and Stewart discuss the “major shift in consciousness” that is coming as Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 23, just after the Spring Equinox. The structural confinement and control we have been experiencing will release, and radical change will be the first stage of a building harmonic pattern in the heavens through 2027.
Barbara also discusses the characters in the Revelations Trilogy, and how their depth came about as the novels evolved while they lived amidst deep troubles in the USA, Italy, and the world.
Click on the meme below or here.
01/10/2023 | by
Barbara | Posted in
January 2023 Quarterly Astrological Update
Hello! It has been awhile, and I’m returning to resume news of upcoming cycles. Here we go!
We are on the verge of a new Pluto in Aquarius cycle-of-three, a highly influential 735-year-long-cycle. The cycle-of-three began in 1286 with the medieval awakening; its second phase began in 1532 and completed in 1553 when Copernicus established the Sun as our astronomical center. Then freedom broke out in 1777 amidst the American and French revolutions. With the new three-part Pluto in Aquarius cycle beginning this March, I think we will move beyond our solar system to explore the Milky Way, a galactic perspective.
Pluto signifies deep transformation in society that inspires our souls to reveal greater truth. Lucid views into higher dimensions will come as Pluto moves into Aquarius right after this Spring Equinox—Pluto probes deep; Aquarius seeks freedom. We are beyond the Age of Pisces and in the early stages of the Age of Aquarius. On December 23, 2020, a potent turning point occurred when Saturn conjoined Jupiter in 0 degrees Aquarius, which inaugurated a series of twenty-year Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in air signs for the upcoming two hundred years. This entry into air two years ago called out the nascent themes of the Aquarian Age—soul infusion, freedom, and the desire for unity. Pluto in Aquarius will ignite these themes this spring.
Many have endured great pain and contraction since early 2020 as crumbling Piscean patterns exposed the corruption of autocratic leaders and old religions. Soon Pluto’s initial dip into Aquarius—March 23 through June 11, 2023—will melt away useless patterns, such as the fear, confusion, and lies that dominated the collective mind during the Covid-19 debacle. Take careful note as new ideas replace old patterns during this formative period from the Spring Equinox to the Summer Solstice. Consider them seriously before Pluto goes back into Capricorn during the summer and fall and be ready for Pluto in Aquarius, 2024 to 2044.
To imagine what Pluto in Aquarius could inspire, we need to see how the transits of Saturn and Uranus have made us struggle between control and freedom for the last few years. But now, Aquarius is demanding freedom; forget all the control! Since Pluto can be as stubborn as a mule, we must prepare ourselves for Pluto’s twenty years in Aquarius. Also, Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7, 2023, which will soften control. Going back over the last few years, Saturn in Aquarius squared Uranus in Taurus three times during 2021, and this square was extremely close during 2022. Saturn rules structure and form and Uranus rules revolution and change, so when they squared (a 90-degree angle), we were paralyzed by the huge struggle between control and freedom. Reviewing your life during 2021/22 during this obdurate square, did you ever feel like a racehorse yanked back by a tight bridle but you didn’t know who held the reins? Did you fumble and falter and give up caring about your life? This was visible in the C-19 public health fiasco as zealous bureaucrats crawled out of rat holes with their orders. People felt deep frustration and confusion over losing their freedom. This struggle will ease as spirit infuses the next three years during Saturn in Pisces.
Considering how to handle this shift of the “outer-planet forces,” prepare yourself for chaos because we’ve all been isolated and separated by the control/freedom conflict. Saturn and Neptune in Pisces will awaken desires for unity as Aquarius’s freedom reveals Pluto’s truth. We’re getting out of jail to face the madness of crowds! You may feel like you’re losing your soul if you just obey the rules. If you mindlessly followed rules that seemed to come down from the sky—social distancing, masking, vaccine mandates and quarantines—things have changed! Maybe you’re already questioning the validity and hidden purposes of these rules? Pluto’s deepest quest is Truth.
As I write, many people suspect the mRNA jabs have caused a lot of disease and death. Are you frustrated by the absence of inquiry? This is not about taking sides; it is about seeing all the sides. Each person’s stance must be respected since we exist together in the dark and the light; however, it’s time for assessment. It’s time to examine this crime scene to be able to participate in the next twenty years of creative change during Pluto in Aquarius. For example, American medical practice and public health were deteriorating before the Covid-19 disaster, and alternative healing practices were growing. Perhaps, it is time for them to join hands to deal with the health crisis?
This opening is brief, but with each season I will build on it. For the Spring Equinox, I will be looking at some highly unusual celestial mechanics that suggest a tremendous shift that is building through 2027. This spring—with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius—heralds the opening of some unusual harmonic cycles, which could be a great turning for many of us. I highlight Pluto in Aquarius as the beginning of radical changes we can use to develop new patterns and let our souls lead us as they should! Lastly, Pluto in Aquarius will oppose natal Pluto for the Pluto-in-Leo generation born 1938-1957. If that’s your generation, prepare to help with this transition! If you are not going to lead, please offer the younger generation your seat. Each person is going to matter more than we can imagine.
Original post: January 2023 by Barbara Hand Clow
02/20/2022 | by
Barbara | Posted in
Barbara Hand Clow 8-minute interview from Israel with Emily Francis.
Prolific author, astrologer and ceremonial leader Barbara Hand Clow talks about the
2020 “Crack in Reality” with the COVID-19 pandemic and other changes in our reality on this planet.
Barbara anticipated this cycle ten years ago at the end of the Mayan Oracle, and has written a book trilogy during this decade: Her newest release, “Revelations from the Source,” is Book Three of that trilogy. She also talks about a hopeful future for the collective in the decades to come during this ushering in of the Age of Aquarius.
Watch on YouTube: Click Here
12/02/2021 | by
Robb Heckel | Posted in
Video Interview: December 2, 2021
Barbara Hand Clow ~ Revelations from the Source.
Barbara Hand Clow speaks with @Banyen Books & Sound, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, about her book, “Revelations from the Source,” the final (August 2021) novel in her recent trilogy based on ancient teachings and astrological wisdom.
Watch on YouTube: Click Here
11/02/2021 | by
Robb Heckel | Posted in
November 2021: Interview with Barbara Hand Clow, author, astrologer, visionary, about “Revelations from the Source”
Barbara Hand Clow is an internationally acclaimed teacher, author, and Mayan Calendar researcher. Her numerous books include The Pleiadian Agenda, Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, Awakening the Planetary Mind, Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini, and The Mayan Code. Her new book, just out, is “Revelations from the Source,” and it is the culmination of her Revelation trilogy. Barbara has also taught at sacred sites all throughout the world and is a keen and perceptive astrologer.
Watch on YouTube: Click Here
10/02/2021 | by
Robb Heckel | Posted in
October 2021: Interview with Barbara Hand Clow and Heather Ensworth about the “Revelations” fiction trilogy.
This trilogy is a an extraordinary view of the transformational process that we are in as we move out of the Age of Pisces and into the Age of Aquarius. Barbara and I discuss how we can heal, transform and reclaim our sovereignty as individuals and move into a multi-dimensional consciousness.
Watch on YouTube: Click Here
08/02/2021 | by
Robb Heckel | Posted in
Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini w/ Barbara Hand Clow
In this August 25, 2021 episode of the Astrology Hub Podcast, Barbara Hand Clow and Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh discuss Barbara’s book “Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini.” Tune in and learn what inspired Barbara Hand Clow to write “Rising of Kundalini,” and how it has been helpful for those who are living through life-changing transits.
Watch on Youtube: Click Here